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Location- Dress Rehearsal & Recital
LEE High School
1400 Jackson Keller Rd
San Antonio, TX 78213
Date & Times
Dress Rehearsals: Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00am & 3:30pm
Recitals: Sunday, June 9, 2024, 11:00am & 3:30pm
This year we will have 2 shows at the Lila Cockrell Theatre in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
Show A- Dress Rehearsal at Lila Cockrell June 8th 11:00am, Recital June 9th 11:00am
Show B- Dress Rehearsal at the Lila Cockrell June 8th 3:30pm, Recital June 9th 3:30pm
Anchor 1
Dress Rehearsal
June 8th
The dress rehearsals are at Lila Cockrell Theatre. The doors will open 30 minutes before the start time. Arrive in your first costume. Our staff will help direct you to your dressing room and then IMMEDIATELY come to the audience for important announcements before we begin. The dancers should sit in the audience and enjoy the show. We will run the bows during intermission so dancers can leave after their last dance. Please visit the silent auction tables in the lobby benefiting the Sandra and Clarance Mabry Scholarship Fund.
June 9th
The recitals are at Lila Cockrell Theatre. Doors open 45 minutes before the show. The doors to the audience will open at this time as well. You may only save one seat per person sitting in the seat. Dancers should arrive in costume and go directly to the dressing room. All dancers must remain backstage for the entirety of the show.
Quick Change
If your dancer has a quick change, it will be listed on your show assignment. Please drop off your costumes before the show Stage Left at the quick change area. Don't forget to label everything and pick up your costumes at intermission or after the show. Click here for the quick change list.
Backstage Procedures and Safety
Only backstage parents are allowed backstage during the show. Parents of younger dancers can go change their dancer at intermission. Please LABEL ALL ITEMS including shoes, hairpieces, costumes, etc. We recommend some dry snacks (dry cereal, pretzels, goldfish.) No chocolate or Cheetos as they leave messy hands and get costumes dirty.
Anchor 3
Personal Items
Please don't bring any valuables to the theatre. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Anchor 2
Ballet & Pointe- ballet pink tights, pink ballet shoes, hair in bun
Tap- skin tone tights, black tap shoes, hair in ponytail
Jazz- skin tone tights & jazz shoes, hair in ponytail
Lyrical- skin tone tights & jazz shoes, hair in bun
Hip Hop- see teacher or notes in parent portal
Acro- skin tone transition tights, no shoes, hair in bun
Pre School- hair in bun, tights & shoes same as above
All hairpieces should be placed on the right.
Dancer Pick Up After the Show
All Pre School classes and 1A & 1A+ ballet and tap will remain on stage. All other dancers will be in the dressing room where they were dropped off. Please give us about 5 minutes to get the dancers all downstairs and back to their dressing rooms. If you have more than 1 dancer, please pick up your younger dancer first.
Between Shows- Audience Closed
The audience will be closed between shows. We will clear the house between shows. We need to prepare and clean between shows.
Show Assignments
Can't find the Recital Show Assignment email? Visit your parent portal-- click messages-- click email history-- scroll down to April 1.
Order Forms
Stargrams and additional recital T-shirts can be purchased through your parent portal or at the front desk.
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