Please contact the studio at (210) 493-9611 or info@earlecobbdancestudio.com
for registration and class information.

The study of dance can give unlimited amounts of poise, grace, beauty and strength - requisites to a healthy and self-assured attitude at any stage of life. Our aim is to give our students the best dance education possible through our professional instruction and personal attention.
Earle Cobb Dance Studio is proud to have fostered a love of dance in San Antonio for three generations.
Earle and Dorothy Cobb founded the Earle Cobb Dance Studio in 1929.
Management of the studio then passed to their daughter, Sandra Cobb Mabry.
The Studio is now under the direction of Dena Mabry, granddaughter of Earle and Dorothy Cobb.
Having been in continuous operation since 1929, we have produced many professional dancers and even more dance instructors.
We offer classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Pointe, Lyrical, Leaps & Turns, Acro Dance, and Hip Hop for students ages 2-adult.